Working Together…

"Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." – Galatians 6:2.


Two members in the San Clemente Presbyterian church, Gus and Hal are widowers. They become friends since their wives passed. It's getting harder for both of them to come to church on Sundays, but to be sure when they are there, they are there together.

Hal is blind and Gus is an amputee confined to a wheelchair. When they come to church, Hal pushes Gus and Gus directs Hal. They make their way through the parking lot and the patio to their place together in the pew. And together, and only together, they come to church.

A blind man who can't see giving energy to a man who can't walk. A lame man who can't move giving direction to a man who lacks vision. But together, they worship, take part in community and offer their gifts which is a tremendous inspiration to a lot of us.


Isn't this what Christianity is all about—supporting one another, caring for one another, and working together with one another—for the cause of Christ.

In Christ's ministry on earth, it was almost always in conjunction with one or more of his disciples. He sent out the 70 messengers two by two. Peter, James and John ministered together, as did Paul and Barnabas; Paul and Silas; Paul, Silas and Timothy; Barnabas and John Mark; and Priscilla and Aquila.

We, too, need to care for each other, support each other, and work together for the cause of Jesus Christ and the spreading of the gospel.

Stay Blessed!


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