I Am Your Servant....

"You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master; nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him." – John 13:13-16.


During a terrible storm at sea that threatened every moment to carry the ship to the bottom, one of the ship's crew was doing something on the deck when a great sea struck the ship and went fairly over the deck, striking this man with great force, disabling him and carrying him into the mad waters. Although he was a good swimmer, he was so disabled that he could only keep above water. They saw him lifting up his imploring hands through the white foam, signifying his desire for help.

But the Captain said, "Don't lower a boat, for no small boat can live in this sea, in this terrific storm. We cannot save the man. The most we can do is to save the ship." The vessel was bearing farther and farther from the helpless man. Once more they saw his imploring hands come up among the white caps further off, which moved all hearts that witnessed it. Still the Captain said a small boat must not be lowered, as it could not live a moment among these wild billows.

But one man who was an expert swimmer, was so moved by the imploring signals of the drowning man, that he threw off his loose garments, saying: "I will save that man, or die with him." So plunging into the surging deep, he struggled so bravely with the mad waters that he reached the poor man just as his strength had gone; he brought him so near the ship that a small boat was lowered, and both men were taken up and laid down upon the deck. The one that had been swept overboard, entirely unconscious and his deliverer nearly so.

Appliances were used and both were brought to consciousness. As soon as the rescued man opened his eyes and found he was not in the ocean, his first words were: "Who saved me?"

He was pointed to his deliverer still lying on the deck in his wet clothes.

He crept to his deliverer, and putting his arms around his feet, and in the most tender and heart moving tone of voice cried out: "I'm your servant, I'm your servant." He felt that he could never do enough for him.


What about us? Should we not feel the same toward Him who saved us from a far greater fate?

Every day God gives each of us dozens of opportunities to worship him by serving others and sharing Christ with them.

“You call Me Teacher and Lord…???”

"Try to give your agenda to God. Keep saying, 'Your will be done Lord, not mine.'

Blessed Day!


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