I Am Who I Am!

"God replied to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." – Exodus 3:14.

We see the eternity of God in the name He revealed to Moses: "I AM WHO I AM." What does this mean? At the very least it means that God is self-existent. He is original, the cause, the root, the great mover, the well-spring of all that there is.

Many people, especially children, have trouble understanding this. You will probably recognize the following conversation as sounding like one in your own home:


"Mommy, who made me?"

"God made you, darling."

"Well, Mommy, who made the sky and the trees?"

"God made the sky and the trees. God made everything."

"Mommy, who made God?"

One mother who was approached about this dropped what she was doing and sat down with her youngster for a little talk.

Pointing to her wedding band, she said, "This is a 'love ring,' which your daddy gave to me when we were married. Look at it closely and tell me where it begins and where it ends."

The youngster examined it carefully and then said, "There's no starting place and stopping place to a ring."

The mother replied, "That's the way it is with God. He had no beginning and has no end, yet He encircles our lives with His presence. He is too wonderful, too great, for our minds to understand. Nobody ever made God – He always was!"


Somehow the boy realized that for God to be God, He could not have been created. He had to be without beginning and without end. He had to be self-existent. He had to be eternal.

What difference does it make to my life that God is eternal, without beginning and end, self-existent?

In a vision Jesus says to John on the island of Patmos: Revelation 1:17b-18, "Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.”

Jesus says, "Do not be afraid." We humans are afraid of so much: pain, sickness, cancer, death, bankruptcy, deformity, loneliness, rejection, unemployment. Because our Savior and God has power, ultimate power, in His hands we have nothing to fear.

Our Savior holds the key and we can rest in His arms.

Stay Blessed!


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