Believing When Believing Is Hard...

"Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe." – John 20:29.


We can sit among loving Christians in worship and say to ourselves, "I believe in God!" We can be enjoying a meal with the family and express our belief in God. We can be hoeing the garden, cleaning house, watching the sunset, watching the children at play and a thousand other things and reaffirm our strong belief in God.

What about when nothing is going right? What about when a family member has a terminal illness? What about when we have been robbed, or our house burned by an arsonist? What if one of our children was molested? What if suddenly we found we have no money and no income? Can we heartily say, "I believe in God"?

The point is, when all's well, we can see God by the eye of faith; but when nothing seems right, we lose sight of God.

After World War II, in a cellar in Cologne, Germany, were found these words on a wall: "I believe in the sun, even when it's not shining. I believe in love, even when I feel it not. I believe in God, even when He is silent."


Dear Lord, help me to remember that even in the depths of my despair, You are there. Help me to remember to rejoice and praise You even then, believing that there is a purpose in everything that happens. Give me the strength to turn my life over completely to You and to mean it, not dictating answers to my prayers, but being willing to listen and to sincerely put You in charge of my life. Give me courage to speak honestly in love, not shying away from reality, or lacking the courage to face the painful. Help me to know that You are my only real security and that You will not fail me. Guide me in the paths that I should walk. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!

Blessed Day!


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