Enough Is Enough!

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal." – Matthew 6:19-20.


A woman from a poor village in Bangladesh was visiting a Christian family in Toronto, and the morning after she arrived she looked out the kitchen window of the people's home. "Who lives in that house?" she asked the woman from Toronto.

"Which house?"

"That one, right there."

"Oh, that. No one lives there. That's a 'house' for the car."

The woman from Bangladesh was amazed and baffled. "A house for the car," she kept saying. "A house for the car."

Picture that woman looking out our kitchen windows and saying, "A house for the shovels. A house for the lawn mower. A house for the tractor. A house for the plough. A house for the pool supplies. A house for the... "


Most of us worship a god called ‘More’. You know what I mean. We never have enough. We always want more. Something newer, bigger, better, stronger, faster.

This god called ‘More’ is a lousy god. He is demanding and controlling. He never ever is satisfied. He keeps us awake at night. He keeps us from ever being satisfied or happy. He deprives us of finding deep and lasting pleasure in God's gifts. He outshouts the one only true God. It is awful hard to hear what God is saying when this god is around. It is even harder to do what God wants us to do when this god is around.

Jesus speaks loudly and clearly against the god called ‘More’. Jesus says:
Matthew 6 (19), "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth ... (24), You cannot serve both God and Money."

What can we do about this god called more?
The first thing we need to learn is one word. Only one word. That one word is "enough."
There are two ways to have enough. One is to accumulate more and more. The other is to need less. Jesus would have us go the second route. This attitude of enough is marked by trust, contentment, and acceptance.

This attitude of enough says, "I have enough. My home is big enough. My car is new enough. My possessions are plenty enough. I've eaten enough. I've taken enough. My business earns enough. My income is high enough. I have enough toys and clothes and furniture. Enough is enough."

The attitude of "enough" is not always striving for more. The attitude of "enough" is content and at peace with what one already has. The attitude of "enough" counts the many blessings of life, discovers they are beyond number.

God has given us enough. Therefore say, "I don't need anymore; I have enough, and…”

Stay Blessed!


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