I Don't Do....

"A manifestation of the Spirit is given to each person to produce what is beneficial." – 1 Corinthians 12:7


Once a student received an appointment from a Bishop and the student did not feel the placement exactly suited his abilities.

Some students overheard him complaining about it to another student, and then the other student said, "You know, the world's a better place because Michelangelo did not say, 'I don't do ceilings.' "

Her comment stopped him dead in his tracks and he had to admit she was right.


If you and I are going to be faithful to the ministry God is calling us to, then we had better understand that. Let’s reflect on the attitudes of key people throughout the Scriptures and the history of the church.
- The world's a better place because Moses didn't say, "I don't do Pharaohs or mass migrations."
- The world's a better place because Noah didn't say, "I don't do arks and animals."
- The world's a better place because Ruth didn't say, "I don't do mothers-in-law."
- The world's a better place because David didn't say, "I don't do giants."
- The world's a better place because Peter didn't say, "I don't do Gentiles."
- The world's a better place because John didn't say, "I don't do deserts."
- The world's a better place because Mary didn't say, "I don't do virgin births."
- The world's a better place because Paul didn't say, "I don't do correspondence."
- The world's a better place because Mary Magdalene didn't say, "I don't do feet."
- The world's a better place because Jesus didn't say, "I don't do crosses."
And...the world will be a better place ‘ONLY’ if you and I don't say, "I don't do ..."

God of all creation, Source of life and love and hope, we come before You this morning as those who are eager to run the race of faith, our eyes fixed on Jesus. But we cannot run the race the alone. We need Your strength, O God, Your grace, Your guidance. We need the encouragement and faith and support of one another. Extend Your hand of peace. Grant us Your power, that we might embrace the holy purpose for which we have been created. We make this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Blessed Day!

Sent from my iPhone 6


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