Wish Of A Little Child.....


A Primary School teacher asked her pupils to write an essay “what wish do you want from God?”

At the end of the day, the teacher collected all the essays given by her pupils. She took them home, sat and started marking them.

While marking the essays, the teacher saw a strange essay written by one of her pupils. That essay made her very emotional. Her husband came and sat beside her and saw her crying. The husband asked his wife, “What happened?”

She answered “Read this. It is one of my pupils’ essay.”

“Oh God, Make me into a Television. I want to live like the TV in my house.

“In my house, the TV is very valuable. All of my family members sit around it. They are very interested in it.

When the TV is talking, my parents listen to it happily and calmly. They don’t shout at the TV. They don’t quarrel with the TV. They don’t slap the TV. So I want to become a TV.

“The TV is the center of attraction in my house. I want to receive the same special care that the TV receives from my parents. Even when it is not working, the TV has a lot of value.

“When my dad and mom come home, immediately they sit in front of the TV, switch it on and spend hours.

The TV is stealing the time of my dad and my mom. If I become a TV, they will spend their time with me.

“While watching the TV, my parents laugh a lot and they smile many times. But I want my parents to laugh and smile with me. So please make me into a TV.

And last but not the least, If I become a TV, surely I can make my parents happy and entertain them. Lord I don’t ask you anything except this. I just want to live like a TV. Please make me into a TV.”

The husband completed reading the essay. He said, “My God, poor kid. He feels loneliness. He did not receive enough love and care from his parents. His parents are horrible”.

The eyes of the primary school teacher filled with tears. She looked at her husband and said, “Our son wrote this essay”.


May our children never desire TO BE: WhatsApp, Phones, Facebook, Twitter  or TVs to get love and affection!

"But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." – 1 Timothy 5:8.

Blessed Day!


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