How Great Is Our God!

"Great is our Lord and mighty in power; His understanding has no limit." - Psalm 147:5.

Anytime God is about to take you to a new level you’re going to face opposition. There will be new battles to fight and new obstacles to overcome. It’s easy to get discouraged and think, “Why is this happening?” But we have to change our thinking and focus on the fact that on the other side of those challenges is a new level of victory—a new level of success. David would only be known as a shepherd boy if it weren’t for Goliath. David’s enemy became the tool that God used to promote him. And God will do the same in your life today. He’ll use those challenges and difficulties in your life to catapult you towards success! If you are going through a hard time today, if things look impossible, don’t give up now.


While browsing through a book, my attention fell on a page entitled "Daring to Face the Giants."

It was written, "When David went to meet Goliath, he did not reckon with the size of the one in front of him. Instead he recognized the size of the one behind him." Moreover, David did not think, “O, what a huge man to beat,” but he thought “O, what and easy target to hit, that you just cannot miss.”

This is a great lesson for us in our everyday life. Our giants are not from Gath, rather they take the form of discouragement, fear, uncertainty, and the like. But, like David, all we need to do is to remember the power of our God. It isn't the size of the obstacle in front of us but the size of the God behind us that counts.


Change your perspective and believe that God is working behind the scenes. Put a smile on your face and stand in confidence knowing that you are a child of the Most High God. When all is said and done, you’re not just going to come out of that difficulty, but you’re coming out stronger, wiser, and better than you were before!

That problem is going to be the catalyst for God to open supernatural doors of opportunity for you! Stand strong in the Lord today and trust that what the enemy meant for your harm, God will turn around and use to your advantage. He’ll take you places you never dreamed and cause you to rise higher and higher in every area of your life!

God is in the miracle working business. He did it for you in the past; He will do it for you again...and now.

Yes, our God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Amen!

Stay Blessed!


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