Are We Cannibal Christians?

Listening to gossip is like accepting stolen property which makes you just as guilty of the crime. 

“A gossip reveals secrets; therefore, do not associate with a babbler.” – Proverb 20:19.


Once a wise man went to a palace. He presented three dolls to the prince living there.

Immediately the prince got angry and asked the wise man, “Am I a girl to play with dolls? Why did you give me these dolls?”

The wise man said, “These dolls will be useful for your future". He also gave a piece of string to the prince.

He told the prince, “Insert the string into the ear of the first doll.”

The prince did as the wise man said. The string that was inserted into one ear came through the other ear.

The wise man said, “Now insert the string into the second ear.”

The prince did not say anything but obeyed him. He inserted the string into the ear of the second doll. The string came out through its mouth. The prince was surprised and could not understand anything.

Again, the wise man told the prince to insert the string into the third doll’s ear. The prince inserted the string again. He was again surprised to see that the string did not come out at all.

The wise man then explained the meaning to the prince. He said, “When you inserted the string through the first doll’s ear, it came out through the other ear. When you hear bad things such as words of discouragement, negative words, do not give ear to them. Just let them go through the other ear".

"When you let the string through the second doll’s ear, it came out through its mouth. When you hear good things, you must tell everybody about it.

Now, when you let the string through the third doll’s ear, it did not come out at all. When people share their problems or agonies with you, you must keep them in your heart and pray. You must not share with others and gossip about them. You must take their problems to the Lord Jesus Christ and pray for them.”

The prince thanks the wise man for his counsel.


Word of God warns us about “Cannibal Christians” who “devour one another” and destroy the fellowship (Galatians 5:15). These kinds of troublemakers should be avoided.

“Let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only what is useful for building up, as there is need, so that your words may give grace to those who hear." - Ephesians 4:29. 

Stay Blessed!


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