Lord, Stand By Me…

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death [or through the darkest valley], I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” – Psalm 23:4.

Let this story be a simple reminder that God is always with you regardless of the storms of life, and wants you to know that the sun will rise again upon your life and overshadow every obstacle that you had to go through.


"One night while my young son was sleeping, a storm began raging outside.

After a massive lightning followed by a loud clap of thunder, I heard him wake up so I headed toward his room to comfort him. He asked me to stay with him until he fell asleep.

As I lay there I realized he hadn't asked me to make the storm go away, but to stay with him.


How many times, I wondered, have I asked God to take away the storms of life, when instead I need to ask him to stay with me and help me face and withstand with courage them more peacefully?

Just as a hymn writer put it so aptly,

When the storms of life are raging,

Stand by me (stand by me);

When the storms of life are raging,

Stand by me (stand by me);

When the world is tossing me

Like a ship upon the sea

Thou Who rulest wind and water,

Stand by me (stand by me).

In the midst of tribulation,

Stand by me (stand by me);

In the midst of tribulation,

Stand by me (stand by me);

When the hosts of hell assail,

And my strength begins to fail,

Thou Who never lost a battle,

Stand by me (stand by me).

"Dear God, thank you for your promise that no matter how dark the valley I have to walk through, you will always stand by me and never leave me or forsake me. I thank you, for always standing by me, in Jesus' name. Amen!"

Stay Blessed!


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