Where Are You?

"Then the LORD God called to the man, and said to him, "Where are you?"" Genesis 3:9 



Think about omniscient. God knows everything. He does not have to think things over. He doesn't have to wonder what will happen or when it will happen. He doesn't need a lie detector. He doesn't need to see the video tape over again - no instant replay required. He knows the end from the beginning. He doesn't have to add up the column of numbers to get the answer. He just knows.


And while that whole concept may be something very tough for our finite minds to completely grasp, we get a taste of it. Then to see this question, "Where are you?"


But here is the oddity. God knows everything, so He knows where Adam is hiding and why. But the all-knowing Creator of the Universe still asks Adam, "Where are you?"


One point is that God is asking for Adam's benefit. Adam, think about where you are. Think about what has happened to you. Why are you hiding from me? Surely you know I care for you more than anyone. So, what has come between us Adam?


Has God ever asked you, "Where are you?" meaning, "What is it that is in your life that is coming between us?" It is an uncomfortable thing. The best thing to do is just confess and repent. Adam tries to blame shift to Eve, but God knows all about that too.


There's one other thing about "Where are you?" that is clear if you think about it. It also says, "I love you." I'm coming to you and I want to help. I want you to see the predicament you are in clearly. I'm being very patient with you in My care and concern for you. Let Me help you.




"When you are praying alone, and your spirit is dejected, and you are wearied and oppressed by your loneliness, remember then, as always, that God the Trinity looks upon you with eyes brighter than the sun." - Saint John of Kronstadt


Blessed Day!


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