Where Is Your Prosthesis?

We are to give thanks to the Lord at all times no matter what bad situation is in our life at the moment. It is easy for us to forget of our many blessings and choose to murmur and complain about something negative that has come before us. Quickly we forget that our positives greatly outweigh our negatives. We are to be thankful that we have feet that allow us to walk, hands that allow us to feed and groom ourselves, eyes to see the beauty of God's creation, ears to hear the infinite sounds that surround us and the list continues on. We must remember that we are a blessed people and are to be thankful for all that we have and should not dwell on the bad that comes our way that is only temporary in nature.

Be content at all times and give God thanks in all things and you will see His favor shine upon you. I hope you are both encouraged and inspired by today's message.




The nursing aides for the 89-year-old man planned a surprise party for him. This active and alert retired doctor had his leg amputated two years ago. It had been a struggle to adjust to living his life with only one leg, spending most of his time in a wheelchair.


Family, friends and volunteers filled the brightly decorated room. He looked at the group and signaled a sweet six-year-old girl, the grandchild of one of his aides, to come over to him. He reached out and put his arm around her. He introduced her and announced, "She is my mascot!" He went on to tell the group assembled that he would never forget the first time she visited.


She came in, looked at him and his folded up pants leg in the wheelchair, and in her charming voice asked, "Where is your prosthesis?" He was astounded she knew the word. She showed him her prosthesis and told him her story.


When she was three years old a certain disease struck her body which infected her leg that had to be amputated soon after.


He said this young girl taught him not to complain and to be grateful for the 88 years during which he had two legs. They share a very special bond. She feels proud that she was able to help a very old man. He has a very special smile for the young girl who walks with joyful and energetic steps, the prosthesis removing all barriers from her path.




When we look only on our negative situation, it is easy for us to become discouraged, but when we take the time and see what others are going through, our hardships become much smaller in comparison. We have much to be thankful for and should choose to look at the good and give thanks for it never listening to the enemy's temptation to murmur and complain about the hardships of life.


The Bible declares in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 "In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." We are to be thankful at all times no matter what our circumstances look like and trust that God is able to work things out for our good in ways that we never thought possible.


Blessed Day!


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