Preach The Gospel Always, And When Necessary Use Words

"In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see  the good you do and praise your Father in heaven." – Matthew 5:16




Saint Francis of Assisi once invited a young monk to accompany him to the village and preach. The novice was honoured by this opportunity.


So the two set out. Once they reached the village, they walked up and down the main street, then several side streets. They chatted with peddlers and greeted the citizens. After some time, they returned to the abbey by another route.


The younger man reminded Francis of his original intent. "You have forgotten, Father," he said, "that we went to the town to preach."


"My son," Saint Francis replied, "we have preached. We have been seen by many. Our behaviour was closely watched. Our attitudes were closely measured. Our words have been overheard. It was thus that we preached our morning sermon."


Father, forgive us when we become bitter and negative.

Forgive us for throwing fuel on fires that we could help put out.

Forgive us for being insensitive to others around us.

Give us Your wisdom, strength and courage to be more like Christ every day.

In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.


God bless!


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