Dr. Williams Is Upstairs!

The good that we do towards others is sure to leave a mark that will never be erased. We are to remember that others are in need all around us and as believers in Christ, we have been given the commission to be His hands and feet on the earth to care for and love all who are in need. We are to be conscious to the fact that living only for ourselves not caring about the benefits of others will lead to a lonely and mundane existence. We are not created to hold love in, but rather are to share the love that we have to all who are hurting and in need. One of the first shown emotions is love towards someone else. Just as God's love is imparted upon us, so must we impart the love that we have toward our fellow man. Because of our good works that we do in Christ's Name, we will be remembered far longer than the time it took for that good deed to be done.

I hope you are encouraged by today's message to be a doer of good works so that all who see you may know Whom you belong to.




A doctor who had devoted his life to helping the underprivileged lived over a liquor store in the poor section of a large city. In front of the liquor store was a simple sign reading "Dr. Williams is upstairs."


When he died, he had no relatives and he left no money for his burial. He had never asked for payment from anyone he had ever treated. Friends and patients scraped enough money together to bury the good doctor, but they had no money for a tombstone. It appeared that his grave was going to be unmarked until someone came up with a wonderful suggestion.


They took the sign from in front of the liquor store and nailed it to a post over his grave. It made a lovely epitaph: “DR. WILLIAMS IS UPSTAIRS.”




How true!


Be encouraged to be a blessing when the opportunity comes before you. Do not do your good works with a motive in mind, but rather do every good deed with pureness of heart not seeking a reward, but intent on glorifying the name of Lord. It is God who sees our good works that we do openly and in secret and promises to give us a just reward for every good thing that was done in His Name. The Lord Jesus declares in Revelation 22:12 "Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work."


Rejoice and be exceedingly glad for God sees your every effort and will reward you in like manner.


Be A Blessings & Stay Blessed!


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