Keep on Sowing Your Seed...

“In the morning sow your seed, and at evening do not let your hands be idle; for you do not know which will prosper, this or that, or whether both alike will be good. – Ecclesiastes 11:6.


In the church where I worshiped there was a lonely old man, old Thomas. He had outlived all his friends and hardly anyone knew him. When Thomas died, I had the feeling that there would be no one to go to the funeral so he decided to go, so that there might be someone to follow the old man to his last resting-place.

There was no one else, and it was a miserable wet day. The funeral reached the cemetery, and at the gate there was a soldier waiting. An officer, but on his raincoat, there were no rank badges.


He came to the graveside for the ceremony, then when it was over, he stepped forward and before the open grave swept his hand to a salute that might have been given to a king.


I walked away with this soldier, and as we walked, the wind blew the soldier's raincoat open to reveal the shoulder badges of a brigadier General.

The General said, "You will perhaps be wondering what I am doing here. Years ago, Thomas was my Sunday School teacher; I was a wild lad and a sore trial to him. He never knew what he did for me, but I owe everything I am or will be to old Thomas. Today I had to come to salute him at the end."


Thomas did not know what he was doing, or should I say what he had done.


Small acts of faith that we portray before others do not go unnoticed. There are many people who are not believers in the Lord Jesus, but still, they look very carefully at believers to see how they live. Never hold back when it concerns sharing your faith. You may be the only person who can reach that one searching for peace in their lives. 

I am sure you have heard of the domino effect. That’s where one small act can influence another act which influences another act and so on and so on until a great event has taken place, all because of that one small act. Please remember that your small acts do influence others even though you may not realize it at the time. A smile, a friendly word, a prayer in public, are just a few ways you can brighten someone’s day and possibly change their lives.

"Heavenly Father, again today I am available. Please make me usable and use me today to be 'as Jesus' in some way to every life I touch so that I will have an influence on others, not only for time, but also for eternity. I pray in Jesus' name, Amen!"


Stay Blessed!


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