This Advent, Is Your Lantern Lit?


In the early days of rail travel, crossing guards warned travelers of approaching trains. When trains came, they stood in the middle of the road, swinging a lantern to warn coach drivers of the impending danger. One night, there was a terrible accident at a particular crossing. A coach collided with a train, killing a family of six. An inquest by the railroad authorities summons Sean, the guard on duty that night.

 "Sean," the chairman of the review board asked, "were you on duty the night of the accident?"

"Yes, sir, I was," Sean replied nervously. 

"Did you know the train was coming?"

"Yes, sir, I did."

"Did you take your place in front of the crossing?"

"Yes, sir, I did."

"Did you have your lantern with you?"

"Yes, sir, I did." 

Then the chairman thanked Sean and told him to step down. The inquest closed the case without knowing the cause of the accident. Speculation was that the coach driver was drunk or blind. 

Many years later, Sean lay on his deathbed, surrounded by his family. Softly he began to moan, "Those poor people. Those poor, poor people."

His oldest son leaned down to hear his father. "Are you talking about the people in that coach, Dad?"

"Yes. Those poor, poor people."

"But Dad! Don't you remember? There was an inquest. You were cleared; it wasn't your fault!"

"They forgot to ask one question,"

Sean gasped. "What didn't they ask?"

"They forgot to ask," Sean whispered, "if my lantern was lit."


"You are the light of the world.  A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl.  Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.  In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." – Matthew 5:14-16.

 We've heard these words so often before, but listen carefully again to what Jesus is saying. He's telling us we have purpose in life.  He's telling us what we're here for – to show others what we believe by what we say and do. He's telling us all to reflect the light of our faith so others will know the Saviour. He's giving us a game plan for eternity.

Life is not just endless work and toil. We have a purpose for living – to let our light shine and show God's glory. Whenever we show kindness, compassion, gentleness, sharing or caring, we're letting our faith shine. That's our purpose.

As we have already entered the season of Advent, in preparation for the Light of the world, may you be blessed by the light of Jesus Christ. May you reflect the light of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Light Your Lantern and...

Stay Blessed!


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