The Thief

The good news of the Lord is being preached in more areas of the world than ever before and hence bringing closer the return of Jesus Christ for His church. The more we do for God's kingdom, the sooner He returns, so never get discouraged when you’re serving the Lord.  

This is a good message that spoke to my heart to always be quick to protect my mind and spirit just as I protect my physical home because the enemy is always looking for an opening to enter in and wreck havoc.  I hope this story will minister to you as it has for me.




A horrible thing happened to me today.....a thief broke into my house.  It happened shortly after I awoke this morning. I got up and began rushing about. I had a thousand things on my list and was already running behind. Quickly, I gulped down breakfast, took a shower and got ready for work. In my rush, I forgot to turn the security system on at my house.


It was just about a half an hour later that the thief broke in. Of course, he didn't make a sound. Just kind of snuck inside not drawing any attention to himself. In fact, none of the neighbours ever saw him. But, I did. You see, I WAS HOME when the thief broke in. He naturally startled me, as I was unprepared for his visit. He, of course, didn't announce that he was coming and I certainly had not invited him over.  And yet, I found myself face to face with danger and I felt so powerless. I also felt so very stupid, because this whole incident could have been avoided if I had just taken the time to turn the security system on.


You better believe I'll be turning it on tomorrow morning! I thought I'd warn you about this guy, because he's still on the loose. Chances are he's in your area, possibly even headed for your house. His name? His name is Satan.


You see, this morning when I jumped up in my haste to get started on my busy day, I skipped my prayer time -opting to "pray later today." In other words, I DIDN'T TURN ON THE SECURITY SYSTEM. My defence wasn't on, my guard was dropped.....and when the thief came into my home to attack me, I was unprepared to do battle. He tempted me and I felt powerless. Like I said, I also felt so very stupid, because I could have avoided the incident if I had just taken the time to pray.


My friend, the thief has come to "steal, kill and destroy." And, as a Child of God, you are on his "hit list."


He'll probably pop over to your house today. He may be lurking outside your door right now, just waiting to catch you off guard. Take time to pray this morning. Ask God to bind Satan from your very presence, to protect you and empower you to do battle. In short.....don't forget to turn your security system on.



I have heard many people say "I don't bother the devil and the devil doesn't bother me", but this is a lie straight from the pits of hell. The enemy will try his best to keep us from having a successful relationship with the Lord because he knows the closer we get to the Lord; the less power he has in tempting us.  I encourage you with all my heart to spend time in prayer with the Lord as well as spend time reading God's Word.  


Prayer should not be some technical or philosophical speaking to God, but rather speaking to the Lord as a friend.  Share all that is on your heart and let God know what you need help or guidance with.  He is always available and will be there every time you call upon His name.


If we are to be successful in guarding ourselves from the enemy; we need to be prepared.  Meaning to have God's Word deep within our spirit where temptation from the enemy will not have any remote chance of success.  I encourage you to spend time reading the Bible.  It truly is alive and has power to change your life. (Hebrews 4:12)


I guarantee you by the authority of God's Word; the closer you get to God, the closer He will come to you. I ask you to try Him and see.


James 4:7-8 "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you…..."



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