Positivity Always Wins…

“For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he…” – Proverbs 23:7 (KJV) 

A positive mindset brings positive things.


There was once a lady who loved plants. One day she bought a rare plant and along with the other plant used to water this plant daily. She took very good care of all the plants. 

However, while watering this rare plant, she often had the feeling that the plant would die and would also tell her husband, “This plant is so cute, but I always have a feeling that it will die.” 

Long story short…eventually, one day it died. 

As usual, the next morning while she was in prayers, she heard an inner voice telling her, “You killed the plant.” 

She asked, “Why would I? I took good care of this plant as I did with the others. How did I kill it?” 

The answer came back saying, “With your negative thinking and your negative words.”

She called her husband and told him what the inner voice spoke to her. He stood shocked and was silent. 

She asked him, “What happened, why are you so dumbstruck?” 

He quietly asked, “Hope you are having good thoughts about me, or one day I too will kick the bucket.”


So very true. 

You very well know the story of Job in the Bible, and what he went through.

These are Job words, in Job 3:25-26, “What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me. I have no peace, no quietness; I have no rest, but only turmoil.” 

Whatever you think, whatever you speak, and how you react……it will come to pass. 

So, my dear sisters and brothers

– Always Think Positively, Speak Positively and React Positively.

– Be it for yourself or with others, ‘Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.’ 

Stay Blessed!



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