Nail Print in His Hands…

It is easy to get down and discouraged when we look at the tribulations this world is going through. But we who believe in Christ Jesus, there is an eternal hope that this world cannot comprehend.  God promises victory to each believer and so we are to rejoice in the good times of life as well as the bad.


A family on vacation were driving along in their car, windows rolled down, enjoying the cool breeze of the warm, summer's day. All of a sudden a bee darted in the window and started buzzing around inside the car. A little girl, highly allergic to bee stings, cringed in the back seat. If she were stung, she could be in serious trouble.

"Oh, Daddy," she screeched in terror, "It's a bee! It's going to sting me!"

The father pulled the car over to a stop, and reached back to try to catch the bee. Buzzing towards him, the bee bumped against the front windscreen where the father trapped it in his fist. Holding it in his closed hand, the father waited for the inevitable sting. In pain from the sting, the father let go of the bee.

With the bee loose in the car again the little girl panicked. "Daddy, it's going to sting me!"

The father gently said, "No, honey, he's not going to sting you now. Look at my hand." He showed her the bee's stinger in his hand.”


And that's exactly what Jesus did for us on the cross. He took the sting of death for us … as the songwriter put it, "You will know him by the nail prints in his hands."

When we are down and discouraged because of the trials of life, but we must recognize that victory is ours and we should live like it…Victorious life.

Therefore, take comfort and encouragement in the Lord and remember that we do have the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Be strong in Him and take refuge in God's Promise of Life everlasting.


“…in all these things we are more than conquerors through Christ who loved us.” – Romans 8:37.

Stay Blessed!


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