Pink Crystal Rosary...


“When lovers are together, they spend hours and hours repeating the same thing: ‘I love you, I love you, I love you!” What is missing in people who think the Rosary is monotonous? It is ‘Love.’” – St. Lucia of Fatima.


My Grandparents made a trip to Italy in 1980. While there, they were able to see the Vatican and they purchased 5 rosaries to give to each of their grandchildren. After you purchase the rosaries, you could have Pope John Paul II bless them, and then they would mail them back to the families. So, this is what my grandparents did and when they returned home, they anxiously waited for the rosaries to appear in the mail.


When they arrived, the 5 white crystal rosaries were in the box, along with a pink crystal rosary, a sixth rosary! They didn’t understand why they received this extra rosary and they put it aside. It was a few months later that my mother found out that she was pregnant, and in September of 1982, she had a little girl.


Saint Pope John Paul II knew my grandparents wanted to give ALL their grandchildren a rosary from their trip!


It was Mother Mary who prompted Saint Pope John Paul II to slip in an extra Rosary.


“I am the Lady of the Rosary. You must say the Rosary every day and say it properly.” – Our Lady of Fatima. 

Whenever we pray the Rosary, remember how powerful it is in our spiritual lives. It will bring more than peace and comfort; it will bring change to our world and to our sinful selves. 

“You must know that when you say, ‘Hail Mary’, Mother Mary immediately greets you. If you greet her, she will answer you right away and converse with you.” – St. Bernardine of Siena. 

Wishing you a Blessed Rosary month. 

Stay Blessed!


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