Only By His Grace…

What we see in the Bible, especially in the book of Psalms, which is a book of gratitude for the created world, is a recognition that all good things on Earth are God's, every good gift is from above. They are good if we recognize where they came from and if we treat them the way the Designer, the Maker of heaven and earth, intended them to be treated.


Heavy rains remind us of challenges in life…

Never ask for a lighter rain, just pray to God for a better umbrella. - That is the attitude!

Life is not about finding the right person but creating the right relationship.

It's not how we care in the beginning, but how much we care till the very end.

Some people always throw stones in your path. It depends on what you make with them, a Wall or a Bridge? – Remember you are the architect of your life.

Search for a good heart, but don't search for a beautiful face, because beautiful things are not always good, but good things are always beautiful.

It’s not important to hold all the good cards in life, but it’s important how well you play with the cards you hold.

If you think it is your alarm clock that woke you up this morning, try putting it beside a dead body and you will realize that it is the Grace of God that woke you up.

Often when we lose all hope and think this is the end, remember God and pray – it’s just a bend, not the end.'

One of the basic differences between God and humans is:

God gives, gives and forgives. But humans gets, gets and forgets.

Be thankful in life...


Have faith and have a successful life.

As you keep your mind and heart focused in the right direction, approaching each day with faith and gratitude, I believe you will be empowered to live life to the fullest and enjoy the abundant life He has promised you!

Stay Blessed!


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