You're Well Equipped...

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.” – Romans 8:28.


A story is told about a town where only Ducks lived. 

Every Sunday the ducks would waddle out of their houses and waddle down Main Street to their church. They waddled into the sanctuary and squatted in their proper pews. The duck choir waddled in and took its place, then the duck minister came forward and opened the duck Bible. 

He read to them:

"Ducks! God has given you wings!

With wings you can fly!

With wings you can mount up and soar like eagles.

No walls can confine you!

No fence can hold you!

You have wings. God has given you wings and you can fly like birds." 

All the ducks shouted "AMEN!"...and they all waddled home.


Does this sound too much like us? We could fly but we prefer to waddle.

I wonder how much we could do for Christ if we really put our minds, hearts and souls into it? We tend to do as little as possible or just enough to "get by" rather than overdo these things. We want to reserve ourselves and only for ourselves rather than give ourselves in service.

Wayne Smith was right when it comes to Christian service. "I'd rather have zeal without knowledge." In other words, I'd rather do something for Christ even if it's not perfect. 

Be encouraged, be strong and never let this world system get you worried or ashamed of who you are. If Jesus is on your side, then why would you let anyone make you feel unworthy or not well equipped to serve and be a witness unto the Lord. 

"God does not call the equipped, He equips the called". All we have to say is ‘AMEN’ and do it for Christ." 

Stay Blessed!


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