Are You People-Pleaser OR God-Pleaser?

“Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” – Galatians 1:10.


A downtown businessman liked to have his shoes shined every day. He always had the same little shoeshine boy do it. The shoeshine boy always did a good job. 

One day the man asked him, 'How come you take extreme care and great effort about your work?'

The boy was quite pleased with the compliment.

In answer to the question, he looked up and said, “Mister, I'm a Christian and I try to shine every pair of shoes as if Jesus Christ were wearing them.”


Are we like him, absolutely no.? 

We generally work a little extra hard when the boss walks in. Or if he is around, we pretend to be extra busy. Although there is nothing urgent, we tend to work late to catch the boss’ eye. We go in time to work when we know the boss will be around early. Knowing that he will be late or is out of town, we tend to walk in late as if no one is watching us. 

We all need to comprehend is, the job that we have in hand is a blessing from our gracious Lord and not our Manager or CEO. 

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” – Colossians 3:23. 

We ought to always do our service as unto the Lord, regardless of what we are doing. 

1 Corinthians 10:31 – "…whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

Then one day Jesus will say, “‘Well done, my good and faithful servant, come and share your master’s happiness…” 

Stay Blessed!


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